Release Notes for the HP DeskWriter Printer Driver for QuickDraw GX, version 1.0 Using This ReadMe File To use this read me file, select a topic from the Contents menu or use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of this window. To select a specific item within a topic, select Table Of Contents from the Contents menu and double-click on the item of interest in the list. Moving the scroll bar at the bottom of the page takes you to a new chapter. Moving the scroll bar on the right side of the page takes you to the next page of the topic you are in. If you currently have a printer installed on your system, you can print all or portions of this online document. Select Print... from the File menu. This ReadMe file contains the following topics: • Product Information and Features • Installing the Printer Software • Creating and Deleting Desktop Printers • Print Cartridge Maintenance • Troubleshooting • Software Application Notes • Customer Support Information Trademark Acknowledgments Adobe® is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. in the United States. PostScript® is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. in the United States. Illustrator software is a product of Adobe Systems, Inc. Finder, SimpleText, QuickDraw, and QuickDraw GX software are products of Apple Computer, Inc. Macintosh computers are products of Apple Computer, Inc. PageMaker® is a registered trademark of Aldus Corporation. Digital Darkroom, FreeHand, and SuperPaint, software are products of Aldus Corporation. Canvas software is a product of Deneba Systems, Inc. ClarisWorks software is a product of Claris Corporation. Lotus® 1-2-3® are U.S. registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. Microsoft® is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Works, and Microsoft Word software are products of Microsoft Corporation. WordPerfect® is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corporation.